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Instructor: Coach Brendan Hair 


Catalog Description: State tests, new curriculum, behavioral issues with students, managing coworkers, paperwork, not to mention your own life issues of family and home...all leads to stress. Teacher burnout is real. Teacher retention is a challenge for administrators who spend many hours hiring and training teachers only to see them leave the profession. Is work-life balance a myth? How can teachers manage the everyday pressures of the profession? Learn how to balance the demands placed upon you and not just survive but THRIVE!


Required Text(s) and Other Materials: All materials will be provided by the instructor in the learning management system portal.


Course Objectives:

● The student will understand how the human body responds to stress

● The student will categorize various factors that affect the stress and how to address them

● The student will ascertain strategies that maximize the ability to deal with stress

● The student will critique practical skills needed to destress

● The student will combine ways to prevent, manage, and solve classroom problems

● The student will explain how to effectively collaborate with others in the school and surrounding schools to work more effectively

● The student will explore ways to “leave school at school”

● The student will cultivate methods to become more present at school and at home

● The student will apply time management skills to become more productive

● The student will incorporate strategies to help their students deal with stressors



Self-Care for Teachers

  • Once registration is complete, you will receive a welcome letter from the instructor within 48 hours with access codes and instructions for the course. If you do NOT hear from the instructor, please email

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