Are you looking to unlock the potential of your students, improve their academic performance, and foster lasting success? Connected Classroom Courses offers “Executive Functioning in the Classroom” (ED501) from Colorado State University - Pueblo (CSU Pueblo).

Read on to learn more about this amazing graduate course for teachers!
Course Overview
ED501 is a 3-credit course designed for K-12 educators seeking to empower their students with essential executive function skills. Led by Instructor Jennifer Hair, this course provides a roadmap for teachers to instill and enhance these skills in all students of all learning abilities.
Course Objectives
ED501 targets following objectives:
Defining Executive Function: Participants will be able to define and understand what executive functioning entails.
Identifying Core Strands: Participants will be able to explore and explain the foundational strands within executive function, plus the diverse range of skills within each strand.
Discussing Key Functions: Participants will be able to comprehend the pivotal roles of attention, working memory, and other executive functions in information processing.
Enhancing Academic Skills: Participants will be able to strategize to integrate executive function skills in academic subjects such as reading, math, and writing.
Adapting Instruction Style: Participants will be able to uncover methods to adapt their classroom structure and instruction to improve students' executive skills.
Implementing Coaching Processes: Participants will be able to utilize executive functioning coaching to assist students in planning, organizing, and completing assignments effectively.
Developing Behavior Support Plans: Participants will be able to tailor behavior support plans that address underlying challenges related to executive function.
Who is this course intended for?
As with all offerings at Connected Classroom Courses, ED501 is a graduate-level course intended for teachers and educators. Completing this course can count towards your licensure, professional development points, or pay scale increase needs.
What materials does this course require?
The primary text for this course is Executive Function in the Classroom: Practical Strategies for Improving Performance and Enhancing Skills for All Students by Christopher Kaufman. This book acts as a comprehensive guide to further elaborate on how executive functioning can improve performance and skills. Available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
How to Register with CSU Pueblo
In order to enroll in ED501, you must be registered with CSU Pueblo. Follow our quick reference guide to register with CSU Pueblo:
Step 1: Register for your course with your Provider (to include payment made to the Provider)
Step 2: Complete the online registration with CSU Pueblo with this form here.
Enroll in graduate-level courses at Connected Classroom Courses today!
ED501 at CSU Pueblo will equip teachers like you with tools and insights necessary to promote executive function skills among your students. Go on a journey that leads to academic excellence and enduring social success for all learners. Enroll today and unlock the potential within your classroom!
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